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The Girl in the Taxi

Like Father, Like Son

André Berthomieu

Fritz Gottfurcht, Austin Melford

Production / Studio
British Unity Pictures
In this British musical, set in Paris, an apparently upstanding husband and father spends his nights fooling around with wild women. His son, wanting to be just like his dad, begins dating a seductive widow--the same widow his father has been seeing. Trouble ensues when the father refuses to let his daughter marry her true love. When the fiancée learns of the father-son shenanigans, he begins blackmailing them into letting him marry the daughter.
Runtime: 1h 10min
Release Date: 2/9/1937
Genres: Musical
BBFC Certificate: PG
My Rating: Not rated
Frances Day, Henri Garat, Lawrence Grossmith, Jean Gillie, Mackenzie Ward, John Deverell, Helen Haye, Ben Field, Albert Whelan, Laurence Hanray, Joan Kemp-Welch
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