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Love in Pawn

A British comedy about a struggling artist and his wife living on a houseboat.

Charles Saunders

Guy Morgan, Frank Muir

Production / Studio
Tempean Films
A British comedy about a struggling artist and his wife living on a houseboat. To raise money she pawns him! His new family takes a liking to him particularly the daughter! The wife tries to redeem her husband but finds she has lost the pawn ticket. In a short matter of time, the whole incident becomes a national sensation. Eventually, the husband arrives back at the houseboat just in time to prevent the wife from leaving him.
Runtime: 0h 01min
Release Date: 1/1/1953
Genres: Comedy
BBFC Certificate: U
My Rating: Not rated
Bernard Braden, Barbara Kelly, John Laurie, Reg Dixon, Jeannie Carson, Laurence Naismith, Walter Crisham, Avice Landone, Dorothy Gordon, Alan Robinson, Tom Gill, Hal Osmond, Michael Balfour, Ronnie Stevens, Joan Hickson, Sam Kydd, Benita Lydal, Kathleen Stuart
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