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Hope Springs

Sometimes to keep the magic, you need to learn a few tricks.

David Frankel

Vanessa Taylor

Production / Studio
Columbia Pictures, Mandate Pictures, Escape Artists, Management 360, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
After thirty years of marriage, a middle-aged couple attends an intense, week-long counseling session to work on their relationship.
Runtime: 1h 40min
Release Date: 7/8/2012
Genres: Drama, Comedy, Romance
BBFC Certificate: 12
My Rating: Not rated
Meryl Streep, Steve Carell, Tommy Lee Jones, Jean Smart, Marin Ireland, Ben Rappaport, Brett Rice, Becky Ann Baker, Elisabeth Shue, Charles Techman, Danny Flaherty, Damian Young, Mimi Rogers, Ann Harada, Jack Haley, Patch Darragh, Susan Misner, Rony Clanton, John Srednicki, Madeline Ruskin, Lee Cunningham, Paul Jude Letersky, Stephen Lee Davis, John Franchi, Anita Storr
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