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Hindle Wakes

A Changing World of Love and Choice

Arthur Crabtree

Stanley Houghton

Production / Studio
William Gell Productions, Monarch Productions Limited
During a holiday to the beach Jenny meets Alan and agrees to spend the week with him. Wanting to keep this a secret from her parents Jenny gets help from her friend Mary to pretend her whereabouts but disaster strikes during a boating accident. It is soon discovered Jenny was not with Mary. When the parents find out the truth they pressure the couple to get married, but Jenny thinks otherwise.
Runtime: 1h 25min
Release Date: 1/1/1952
Genres: Drama, Romance
BBFC Certificate: PG
My Rating: Not rated
Leslie Dwyer, Lisa Daniely, Brian Worth, Sandra Dorne, Bill Travers, Joan Hickson, Ronald Adam, Michael Medwin, Mary Clare, Beatrice Varley, Tim Turner, Diana Hope, Lloyd Pearson, Judy Vann, Cyril Smith, Rita Webb, Ian Wilson, Alastair Hunter, Edward Evans, Ben Williams, Roy Russell
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