The Third Film in the Carry on series, follows a group of pupils at Maudlin Street school, who find out that their old headmaster Mr Wakefield (Ted Ray) is departing at the end of term, so they decide to do everything in their power to stop him from leaving. The teachers are played by the usual Carry On stars including Hattie Jaques, Charles Hawtry, Joan Sims, Kenneth Williams and Kenneth Connor. The errant students decide to make the life of Mr Wakefield’s replacement Alistair Grieg, (played by Leslie Phillips), a total living hell, hoping that he will leave and Mr Wakefield will stay.
This is an absolute belter of a comedy and one of the best Carry-On’s. This film has probably the funniest sequence in the whole series which occurs in the last 15 minutes. The only issue I have with this movie is that it is extremely predictable, but it is a brilliantly comedy and still holds up today, a full 60 years after it’s release.
9/10 – Calum Roberts