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At War with the Army

America's Funniest Guys are G.I.s!

Hal Walker

James B Allardice, Cy Howard

Production / Studio
Fred F. Finklehoffe Productions
Two former nightclub partners are now enlisted in the Army. Sergeant Puccinelli ranks above his former partner, Private First Class Korwin. Puccinelli is desperately trying to get transferred from his dull job to active duty overseas. Meanwhile, all Korwin wants is a pass to see his wife and new baby.
Runtime: 1h 33min
Release Date: 14/4/1950
Genres: Comedy
BBFC Certificate: U
My Rating: Not rated
Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Mike Kellin, Jimmie Dundee, Dick Stabile, Tommy Farrell, Frank Hyers, Danny Dayton, William Mendrek, Kenneth Forbes, Paul Livermore, Ty Perry, Jean Ruth, Angela Greene, Polly Bergen, Douglas Evans, Stephen Roberts, Al Negbo, Dewey Robinson, Lee Bennett, Joe Gray
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