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Like Crazy

I Want You. I Need You. I Love You. I Miss You.

Drake Doremus

Ben York Jones, Drake Doremus

Production / Studio
Paramount Vantage, Andrea Sperling Productions, Indian Paintbrush, Super Crispy Entertainment, Ascension Productions
A British college student falls for an American student, only to be separated from him when she's banned from the U.S. after overstaying her visa.
Runtime: 1h 30min
Release Date: 28/10/2011
Genres: Drama, Romance
BBFC Certificate: 12
My Rating: Not rated
Anton Yelchin, Felicity Jones, Jennifer Lawrence, Charlie Bewley, Alex Kingston, Oliver Muirhead, Finola Hughes, Chris Messina, Ben York Jones, Edy Ganem, Kayla Barr, Iris Taylor Cameron, Michael Lovett, James Messer, Julia Montague, Vickie Moss, Jo Victoria Russell, Jason King, Robert Pike Daniel, Amanda Carlin
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