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Excuse My Glove

In 1936, they had a REAL Heavyweight Champion in a boxing film

Redd Davis

Katherine Strueby, Val Valentine

Production / Studio
Alexander Films
A young man, whose main interest in life is stained glass, accidentally accepts a challenge to fight in a fair boxing booth.
Runtime: 1h 14min
Release Date: 20/7/1936
Genres: Comedy
BBFC Certificate: PG
My Rating: Not rated
Len Harvey, Archie Pitt, Betty Ann Davies, Olive Blakeney, Wally Patch, Ronald Shiner, Arthur Finn, Vera Bogetti, Bobbie Comber, Don McCorkindale, Tommy Farr, Jimmy Wilde, Harry Midler, Billy Wells, Dave McCleve, Gunner Moir, Walter Roy, Andre Lenglet, Pancho Villa, Frank Hupp
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